09 Lines and patterns in the Frisian landscape

SuperJens Heavy Industries
SuperJens Heavy Industries
09 Lines and patterns in the Frisian landscape

This document, written by J.H.P. van der Vaart, explores the patterns of land division in the Frisian landscape, specifically the long lines that delineate village territories and reclamation blocks. The author argues that these patterns reveal a rich history of human activity, dating back to the early Middle Ages, and provide insight into how people interacted with their environment. The document analyzes the different forms of land parcelling, such as the irregular polygons found in the coastal region and the long strips found in the inland peat marsh. The author emphasizes the importance of preserving these historical elements as they are being increasingly threatened by modern development.


van der Vaart, J. H. P. (2008). Lines and patterns in the Frisian landscape. In C. Wetting (Ed.), Bridges &
Passages (pp. 3-9). Sprezzatura.